PowPrediCT: Cross-Stage Power Prediction with Circuit-Transformation-Aware Learning

Algo Demo


Accurate and efficient power analysis at early VLSI design stages is critical for effective power optimization. It is a promising yet challenging task to model the circuit power at early design stages, especially during placement with the clock tree and final signal routing unavailable. Additionally, optimization-induced circuit transformations like circuit restructuring and gate sizing can invalidatefine-grained power supervision. Addressing these difficulties, we introduce the first circuit-transformation-aware power prediction model at placement stage with robust generalization capabilities. Our technology includes a dedicated clock tree model and an innovative train-and-calibrate scheme that effectively integrates topological and layout features. Compared to the cutting-edge commercial IC engine Innovus, we have significantly reduced the cross-stage power analysis error between placement and detailed routing.

Submitted to Design Automation Conference (Accepted)

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Yufan Du
Yufan Du
Student of Peking University

My research interests include ML for EDA, hardware design and GPU accelaration.